I realize that typically children are very excited when it comes to celebrating there birthdays...but it was as though Noah knew it was his birthday at a whopping one years old. He was all grins and laughter. Even while at his 12 month doctor visit he was cheerful...probably would not of been if he knew he would be getting his immunizations. Oh well, he did not remember that today nor will he into the near future.
When the winter blast came through town at the end of December my children did not seem to get enough snow. It was a bitter sweet relationship with that snow. They would get outside for a couple of minutes and then be ready to come back in. After the snow melted it was then it occurred, "We did not build a Snowman"! There were tears but then we told them they could build a lot of snowmen in the mountains. We never said when or we would have never heard the end of it.
Abby realized for the first time that the snow would not give way when she went down the slide--in fact she was up set that the snow spit up in her face when she hit the mountain of snow at the bottom. Her face says it all!
Our eldest daughter had her birthday on December 19,2008. She is so proud to be four years old. Everywhere we go she spots the number four or letters that are in her name. She is a "sharpy"!! Because of the heavy snow her preschool friends were not able to make it let alone her grandparents :( Maybe next year a snow storm will not take over our celebrations!